Friday, October 12, 2007

The 71/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners
1. Begin with the End in Mind
2. Accept Responsibility for Your Own Learning
3. View Problems as Challenges
4. Have Confidence in Yourself as a Competent, Effective Learner
5. Create your own Learning Toolbox
6. Use Technology to Your Advantage
7. Teach and Mentor Others
8. Play

Begin with the End in Mind
Beginning with the end in mind is easy of you establish realistic goals. Break a project down to its components parts and achievement of each component part becomes a realistic goal.

Accept Responsibility for Your Own Learning
An important part of accepting responsibility for your own learning is recognizing your own learning style.

View Problems as Challenges
Ask what you can learn or what have I learned from every problem you encounter.
View every obstacle as a learning opportunity.

Have Confidence in Yourself as a Competent, Effective Learner.
You can learn well if you remember your learning style and adopt learning techniques that complement your learning style. And remember, the words you use to describe yourself will soon become reality. Don’t say it or think it unless you want it to be true.

Create your own Learning Toolbox
Put in your toolbox tools useful to learners with your learning style.

Use Technology to Your Advantage.
Embrace technology. Don’t view it as a series of obstacles to be overcome, but rather as a set of tools to make your life easier.

Teach and Mentor Others.
If you don’t know this already, experience will show you that the best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else.
